5 Common Fruits that help boost up the immune system


Fruits are known to be wonderful sources of vitamins and minerals to the body.

While it is relished by some persons for it’s sweet, delicious and savory nature, for others, it has become a source of nourishment of the necessary vitamins needed in the body, which help to boost the immune system and fight against diseases.

There are so many varieties of fruits that one can actually enjoy on a daily basis. The amazing thing about fruit intake is that, you do not need to break the bank to enjoy these bundle of nourishment.

Below are 5 common fruits that can help to boost the immune system

  1. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are known to be very high in Vitamin C, which increases the production of white blood cell that help to build the immune system in fighting against infections.

It also helps in combating cold and flu like symptoms. little wonder alot of people turn to it when a cold is caught.

Some fruits in the citrus family are;

Grape fruit





2. Watermelon

Watermelon image

Watermelon is known to have a high amount of nutrients such as Vitamin C, Lycolene, Citrulline, Vitamine A and other nutrients.

It is highly hydrating as it contains a great percentage of water which is beneficial for all round health.

Watermelon may be known to boost the immune system,reduce muscle soreness,boost heart health, reduce inflammation, admist other benefits.

3. Pineapple

Pineapple image.

Pineapples are high immune booster fruits, which are enriched with so many vitamins,minerals and antioxidants such as thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, potassium,beta-carotene e.t.c.

It is said to be the only known source of bromelain, which helps in active digestion as well as reduction in inflamattory immune cells.

consumption of this delicious fruit has so many benefits and it highly beneficial in boosting the immune system.

4. Avocado

Avocado image.

Avocado is a good source of potassium and healthy fats.

It contains a lot of fiber content which helps in digestion as well as lowering cholesterol level which helps your overall immune system.

This fruit is known to improve mental alertness, reduces the risk of heart disease due to the presence of omega 3 fatty acid, regulates high blood pressure e.t.c.

5. Apples

Apple image.

Apples are high in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.

It is a popular saying that “An Apple a day keeps the doctors away”. This can be attributed to the myriads of nutrients embedded in its consumption.

This fruit which is loved by all, contain polyphenols, which is found on the peels and flesh. the polyphenols helps in the building of the immune system.

These are only a fraction of the fruits which help in the overall boosting of the immune system. others include, banana, kiwi, pomegranate, blueberry e.t.c.

Incorporating fruits into your daily plans and diet should be something that should be consciously done as the benefits are enormous.

What fruit are you going to enjoy today?