The reality show that started on July 23,2023 for this season with 20 house mates is on its countdown to the end of the show which will be October 1 2023 with 6 housemates who made it to the finale stage in the house
Here are the top six finalists of season eight for all stars BBNaija:
He became the first finalist on Sunday, September 17, 2023, after a 4,000 Moniepoint purchase of the ultimate immunity pass. This is the second time Cross, has made it to the final week as he finished at the fourth position on Shine Ya Eye season six.
The immunity from winning the HOH seat for week nine gave her a direct ticket to the finalist. She is currently the only finalist who wasn’t a finalist in her previous season.
She became the third finalist spot during the final Black Envelope game on BBNaija All Stars. Cee-C was the runner-up in the Double Wahala season, making this her second time as a finalist.
She scaled through by having the least nominations during the last eviction nominations on BBNaija All Stars. She is also a second-time finalist, after winning the PepperDem season
After surviving the final eviction show on Sunday, September 24, 2023, he emerged as one of the top six finalists of the show. This is also his second time as a finalist as he finished fourth place during the Level Up season.
Despite being extremely confident about grabbing the ultimate HOH challenge and then losing, he still made it to the finalists. Pere was also saved during the last eviction show, as he made it to BBNaija All Stars top six. This is also his second time as a finalist, as he ended the Shine Ya Eye season in third place.