Mercy Johnson Okojie, a popular Nollywood actress has lamented over the insecurity in the country, following the gruesome murder of Bamise Ayanwole.
The actress who couldn’t hold in her emotions, took to her instagram page to decry the poor security situation in the country.
She was appalled by the fact that the murder of Bamise took place in a government owned BRT bus.
Bamise Ayanwole aged 22 was said to have boarded the bus on her way to ota in Ogun state where she spends the weekend with her brother.
On boarding, she noticed there were only 3 passengers in the vehicle and the driver wasn’t stopping to pick up any other passengers.
Suspecting a foul play, she reached out to her friend through whatsapp voice notes and sent the details of the bus asking that she be prayed for.
she was unfortunately found dead a week later, after the gruesome murder, with some of her body parts mutilated.
Mercy prayed that the family be consoled in this time.