Slum King sets to premier on October 8, 2023
Slum King is an intriguing story of Edafe ‘Majemijesu’ Umukoro played by Tobi Bakre, who witnessed the massacre of his family by armed robbers at age 11, who had entered his family home because he, unfortunately, forgot to lock the front door. Sad events force ambition on an indifferent Edafe, causing him to detest his lowly status and develop an appetite for power.
Trapped in the cycle of guilt and trauma, Slum King takes viewers on Edafe’s journey from a disturbed tout in the slums to become MAJE, the charismatic king of the slums.
Unveiling the creative cast in slum king are: Tobi Bakre,Sonia Irabor, Teniola Aladese, Olarotimi Fakunle, Idia Aisien, Jidekene Achufusi,Bolaji Ogunmola, all who gave brilliant performances.
The movie will be a weekly show, air every Sunday at 8 p.m. on Africa Magic Showcase in celebration of Africa Magic as it mark its twenty years of creating magic. The movie was Produced by Chinenye Nworah, the the visionary producer behind Shanty Town and directed by Dimeji Ajibola the exceptional director behind Wura .