Interpol Cracks Down on Notorious Black Axe Crime Syndicate


In a groundbreaking operation, Interpol has dismantled a significant portion of the notorious Black Axe crime syndicate, arresting dozens of suspects and seizing millions of dollars in assets. The Black Axe, also known as the Neo Black Movement, is a transnational organized crime group originating from Nigeria, with tentacles spreading across the globe.

The Investigation

The operation, codenamed “Operation Jackal,” was a culmination of a year-long investigation led by Interpol’s Anti-Crime Unit, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies from 14 countries, including Nigeria, South Africa, the United States, and several European nations.

The Bust

On August 15, 2024, Interpol agents, working in tandem with local police, executed coordinated raids in multiple cities worldwide, arresting 57 suspects, including high-ranking members of the Black Axe. The suspects were charged with various crimes, including money laundering, fraud, human trafficking, and murder.

Seized Assets

During the raids, authorities seized:

– Over $10 million in cash

– Luxury vehicles, including Ferraris and Porsches

– High-end jewelry and watches

– Properties worth millions of dollars

– Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum

The Black Axe’s Crimes

The Black Axe is notorious for its involvement in:

– Human trafficking and prostitution

– Drug trafficking and distribution

– Money laundering and fraud

– Murder and extortion

– Cybercrime and online scams

Interpol’s Statement

“Operation Jackal marks a significant blow to the Black Axe’s global operations,” said Interpol Secretary-General, Jürgen Stock. “This success demonstrates the power of international cooperation in combating transnational organized crime.”

Ongoing Efforts

The investigation is ongoing, with more arrests and seizures expected in the coming weeks. Authorities are working to dismantle the Black Axe’s remaining networks and bring its leaders to justice.

This operation sends a strong message to organized crime groups: Interpol and its partners will not tolerate their criminal activities, and we will work tirelessly to bring them to justice.