5 African Beverages you should try

Africa drinks you should try Tvafrinet

The amazing continent, of Africa, is not only rich in tradition and culture but also in its food and beverages.

There are top drinks you should try in Africa that are out of this world. These drinks are popularly consumed and shared throughout Africa and even around the world. From coffee to wine and many other types of drinks, African drinks are well-known internationally. Here are a few that you should be sure to try.


The name rooibos means red bush, referring to the plant’s visual characteristics. Rooibos drink is a South African drink that is made from rooibos leaves. These leaves are commonly used for brewing tea. Originally, it was an inexpensive alternative to European black tea.
Today, rooibos is mostly used for the preparation of tea, iced tea, and even red espresso, it’s one anti-aging drink no one talks about. You should try it.


Zobo is a Nigerian beverage made from dried roselle leaves which is a species of hibiscus. The Caribbeans call it sorrel, while in Sudan it is called karkade. Zobo is known for many names across the world. It is made with water, dried roselle leaves, garlic, ginger, and pineapple, and can be used to regulate blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and reduce stress.


the Namibia drink, Oshikundu, is a non-alcoholic fermented beverage. It is made by combining water, pearl millet flour, sorghum flour, and usually pearl millet bran. Some amount of previously fermented oshikundu is also added to the mix.
The combination is left to ferment for several hours at room temperature. The resulting drink has brown color and a thick texture. It is nutritious and has a short shelf life. It is usually home-brewed, and it is enjoyed as a nourishing everyday drink. 


Amasi is a traditional South African fermented milk beverage containing numerous valuable probiotics, which is one of the reasons for its popularity. It has a thick and creamy texture, while the flavor is tart and milky, with some describing it as a mix between yogurt and cottage cheese. Besides probiotic bacteria, amasi is also a great source of protein, calcium, iron, and magnesium. It can be drunk on its own, or combined with honey and fruit for extra sweetness.


Kunu is a rich milk drink from Nigeria packed with carbohydrates. It is taken cold, and it is typically served along with a meal. Kunu cuts across every tribe in Nigeria. The ingredients are fresh and natural. it contains a lot of health benefits which include Reducing the risk of diabetes, preventing dehydration, preventing heart disease, and also helps in relaxing the muscles.