Recipe for Gambian okra soup; Superkanja

Gambia okro soup Tvafrinet

Superkanja is an African dish from Gambia. It is known as “Gambian okra soup” which is packed with great nutrition and flavour and has a good taste with its combination of leafy greens, such as spinach, collards, okra, and sweet potato leaves.

This dish can be made differently in West Africa, such as the Ghanaian kontomire. SuperKanja is usually served over rice, and it is very nutritious. It is popular among Gambians in both the rural and urban areas. There are many variations of the dish, but the basic ingredients are the same. In most cases, it is a mixture of fish and okra boiled in palm oil and topped with pepper and onion. In addition to this, a few spices are added to the stew for flavor and color. 

Out of all the recipe for superkanja here is one authentic way in preparing this dish.


  • 1 kg of lean beef
  • 2 cups of palm oil
  • 1 big onions
  • 1/2 kg smoked catfish or any fish
  • 1 kg okra diced into small cubes
  • Pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon Baking powder
  • 8 cups of water
  • Salt to taste

Steps in making Superkanja

  • Wash and cut the meat appropriately
  • Boil the meat and fish in a pot with enough water for 15 minutes. Then remove the fish from the pit.
  • Add salt, onions, pepper, and diced okra to the pot and mix well.
  • Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, and then add the palm oil.
  • Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally
  • Add the fish back to the pot and simmer for 6-10 minutes on low heat.
  • You can also add crabs and shrimps to the dish if you so wish.
  • Serve with white rice or fufu.

It can be served with rice, fufu, eba and any swallow of your choice.