Ivory Coast meal; Alloco

Ivory coast dish Alloco tvafrinet

The Ivory coast dish, alloco, is known as fried plantains, which is a popular West African snack.

This popular meal is a mostly known to be a fast food and it is sold on the streets of Côte d’Ivoire. There is even an area with many grilled meat and alloco food vendors in the Cocody neighborhood named Allocodrome. Alloco in Nigeria can also be referred to as “dodo” which it is served as a side dish or a stand alone dish.

Plantain which was originated in Southeast Asia, refers to the cooking banana and cultivars of the banana plant, producing an edible fruit full of starch and that people rarely eat raw. Although similar in appearance, people normally use the two banana in very different ways. In many cultures where this fruit is a staple diet, people boil, fry, or cook it while green because of its starch levels. In some African regions, people reduce plantain to flour or for making beer. However, the most common and most served encounter with plantains is in fried form.

Alloco have many receipes, for example, kelewele is a fried spicy plantain that people serve as a side dish for Red Red (African stewed black-eyed peas) or fish stew in Ghana and it is often served with chili pepper and onions.. Plantains are a staple crop throughout Western Africa.