Food that can help manage weight gain for elderly people

healthy food Tvafrinet

As we grow older we have to watch the food we take into our body as it will greatly affect the weight and entire health of the body.

There are certain food that are important for our elderly people, as it will help them maintain a good and healthy weight, and these food should not be skipped in their day-to-day consumption of meals as it helps with a lot of healthy activity of the body, makes the body more strong and agile.

Such foods are listed below, and they are;


Seafood can be a great way to give your body a healthy protein boost. Fatty fishes like Tuna, Salmon, Trout, etc are a good sources of vitamin B12 Omega 3 fatty acids that help in improving cognitive skills, lower the risk of cardiac issues, boost cell and tissue regeneration and improve overall immunity and provide satiety, which helps in better insulin management and weight loss.

​Cottage cheese

It is important to give the body ample calcium and protein boost up to maintain bone health and muscle strength. A healthy alternative to this can be cottage cheese, which is a great source of whey protein that helps in better muscle protein synthesis. 

Citrus fruits

Having at least one citrus food a day is very important, this is because citrus fruit have some level of antioxidant that helps in better weight management, improves insulin resistance, boost immunity and accelerates the metabolic rate also help in cell regeneration and also maintains your skin from aging


Vegetables like Spinach, Kale, Arugula, Broccoli are not only high in fiber and minerals but also are loaded with plant-based compounds that help in better functioning of the digestive system. It helps lowers the risk of cardiac diseases and helps in better functioning of the brain

Nuts and seeds

This meal can help to improve bowel movement, keeps the heart healthy, and boosts cognitive skills. Walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds contain ALA omega-3 fats, which are further converted to EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) which prevents the blood from clotting easily, reduces triglyceride levels in the blood, and has effects that might reduce pain and swelling.