Want to grow long and healthy hair? here are some food you should include in your diet for a natural long hair.
We ofetn strugle to maintain our hair and make it more healthy with some hair products Isn’t it? But the excess pollution, stress, and other external factors affect our health, skin and hair, making it frizzy and rough. This further leads to excess hair fall. But we sometimes forget that what we put in our body is the output we get from the skin to the hair.
Some foods are very good for our hair as it contains essential vitamins and minerals good for health hair. Here are some of the food you can incorporate in your diet to nourish your hair from within.
Yes water is our number one and most important food to the body. It has a lot of health benefits to the body and the essential part of it is that it helps distribute nutrients and minerals round the body, there by making the important nutrients to be put in place. It is said that we are to take not less than 2 litres of water a day which help restore the water loss in the body. Moisturizing our hair is very important and water being the first moisture that gets to the hair is must be included in your diet plan.
Almonds contain omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, Vitamin E, B1 and B6, and selenium which are excellent nutrients for hair growth. We can as well extract the oil from almonds and apply it to our hair when needed.
Eggs provides protein and biotin for hair growth, in which these component are the most important components for which are needed to prevent hair loss. You can also incorporate it in your DIY but be careful of a protein overload as it will make the hair frizzy. Protein which is found in eggs give the hair the right amount of stringent so it does not break easily.
Whole Grains
Whole grains play an important part as it is rich in biotin along with iron, zinc and B vitamins which help in producing amino acids (protein) for hair growth. This can also be included in your meal.
Berries are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C which strengthen the hair follicles and help the hair roots to be stronger, which help against damage from harmful molecules called free radicals