Start the New Year with these Amazing Diet tips

New year Diet plan Tvafrinet

The time for the year 2022 is coming to an end and as we welcome the all new year 2023 we need to plan proper diet regimes.

Resolutions and promises are made every new year. One promise that almost all of us have done to ourselves is to lose weight, eat healthier, give up junk food, and many more on these lines. Changing to a healthy lifestyle from an unhealthy one is a slow process and takes time and effort. No crash diet or fitness fads can bring about a change overnight.

It is important to set realistic goals for yourself, as they are much easier and more practical to achieve. Here are some diet tips that you must have in your daily life to bring a positive change in your lifestyle.

Eat fresh

Use as many fresh ingredients as you can to make your meal in the coming year. Avoid consuming stale food on a regular basis and cook fresh food for every meal. Make it important to eat more homecooked food and avoid processed food.

​Avoid eating till you are full

To be able to perform your daily task you need to be light and agile. To have this you need to avoid eating till you cannot eat anymore, it makes you lazy, sleepy and heavy. Eating only 80% can just do the trick for you and it will keep you agile, drive away laziness, make the digestion process smoother and help in maintaining weight.

Increase intake on seasonal produce

Try to eat locally produced products instead of opting for exotic and fancy fruits and vegetables. Currently, the winter season has a variety of options to offer. A number of green and leafy vegetables like spinach, methi, bathua, broccoli, cabbage and more can be a part of your daily diet.

Chew more

Digestion is starting from the mouth which involves the mechanical breakdown of your food using your mouth which consist of your teeth tongue and saliva (it have an enzyme called amylase, responsible for breakdown of starch). Chewing food properly will not only reduce the burden on the stomach but will also ensure that your body gets the maximum amount of nutrients out of the food. Gulping down food without proper chewing can cause weight gain and a number of stomach troubles.


Hydration does not only consist of water, you can as well include different types of fluids in your daily diet like fresh fruit juices, vegetable juice, coconut water, lemonade etc. Keeping yourself hydrated is another important diet tip that one needs to be mindful of. And it will be worth the change in your diet.