Fumbwa a Congolese dish

Fumbwa a Congolese spinach meal Tvafrinet

Fumbwa means spinach in Congolese and spinach is used in making an amazing rich meal known as “fumbwa dish”

This greenish climbing plant is prevalent in the tropical regions especially Nigeria, Congo, Gabon, Angola, Asia and South America.The leaves are also kwown to be afang, okazi and ukazi in Nigeria.

This dish is a family favourite and is very nutritious. Wild spinach contains a high concentration of iron, folate, vitamins, and minerals. It is known botanically as Gnetum Africanum and is grown throughout tropical Africa. After cooking it in palm oil, it is then served with a spongy flatbread known as Injera.

It is usually thickened with peanut butter which gives the food a creamy and delicious look. Fumbwa can be served as a stand-alone meal or, you can serve it alongside a side dish of fried onion, potatoes, and smoked catfish. It can also be eaten with fruits such as mango.