Benefits of Watermelon for a Woman During Pregnancy

Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women Tvafrinet

Watermelon being one of the most common fruit found around the globe have great benefits for pregnant women.

A watermelon is approximately 92% water and with every juicy bite you get a significant level of vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. Watermelon even contains a modest amount of potassium. And as such all this nutrients are essential for pregnant women as they will need a lot of is as they are feeding one or more fetus in them.

Listed below are benefits of watermelon to pregnant women;

1. Helps to Reduce Swelling In Feet And Hands

Watermelon being a fruit that contains high percentage of water in it helps to avoid Edema by reducing blockages in the veins and muscles.

Edema or minor swelling of the feet and hands occurs often during pregnancy but can fairly be prevented by regularly consuming watermelon.

2. Helps in Hydration

It is advice to drink plenty of water when pregnant, but watermelon can be a good substitute to water sometimes, if you want to spice up your water in take daily. It contains 92% of water and eating it is one of the best ways women can keep themselves hydrated during pregnancy.

3. It Alleviates Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is common during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Watermelon provides a wonderfully refreshing, calming, and light start to the day as it is advised to be consumed in the morning. This delicious fruit also have the necessary nutrition and energetic characteristics that help to keep morning sickness at bay.

4. Reduce Muscle Cramps

Blood volume almost double during pregnancy and that can cause slower circulation, leading to swelling and cramping. This could also cause the muscles and bones to ache as a result of the extra weight and hormones. Intake of watermelon in all of its forms helps for proper circulation of nutrient round the body, aids the body’s adaptation to these changes and helps reduce muscle cramps and also help restore some lost nutrients in the body.

5. Treats Constipation

For pregnant women the body makes more of the hormone progesterone. Progesterone relaxes your intestines, or bowel, so that they don’t work as hard to squeeze waste out through your body. The slowdown allows your body more time to absorb nutrients and water from the food you eat. The longer the food remains in your bowel the more time your large intestine (colon) has to absorb the moisture out of it. The waste becomes dried out and hard to pass when you try to poop.

Watermelon play a crucial role to prevent constipation, it helps faster absorption of nutrient in the body and it is a safe and effective remedy for irregular bowel motions. The fruit is high in fibre, which helps with stool creation, and its high water contents help in cleansing the pathway and provide pressure for the bowels.