Bazin is an unleavened bread that is often served in the middle of a plate surrounded by soup. This meal can be found in North Africa especially in the country Libya.
There are different basic lamb bazin, serving it with stews featuring camel meat, chicken, squid or broad beans. A favourite winter variation is Bazin served with Hassa soup made with dried meat. The most well-known Bazin is made of a mixture of 3 parts barley flour to 1 part wheat flour. The flour is cooked in salted water to make a hard dough, and then formed into a rounded, smooth dome, with the tomato sauce, potatoes, boiled eggs around it, mushroom can also be added as well.
Bazin is best consumed “crumpled and eaten with the fingers.” especially eaten with the right hand, and may be consumed communally. Bazin has been described as a traditional and national dish of Libya.