Kunu is a rich traditional non alcoholic drink that is popular in Northern Nigeria.
This nourishing beverage contain some nutritional content like Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Magnesium, Potassium, etc. It is also rich in protein and high in fibre. Kunu zaki has more polyunsaturated fats that is omega 3 and 6. The calories in Kunu depends on the ingredients used in preparing it.
Kunu can be made using numerous grains which gives it their unique name, such as millet known as Kunu zaki, Tiger-nut known as Kunu Aya, groundnut and rice known as Kunu gyada. The variety of the Kunu drink that is made from sorghum is usually light-brown in colour, while the one made from millet and maize are usually white. But in this recipe, we are preparing kunu zaki which will be made from millet.
- 5 cups of Millet
- 1 tuber of Sweet potatoes
- 4 tubers of Ginger (Fresh or Dried)
- 1 teaspoon of Cloves
- Sugar to taste
- 2 Litres Water
1. Wash millet to remove stones (if there are any), Soak Millet for 10 hours in cold water (preferably overnight).
2. Cut and wash sweet potatoes, ginger and cloves. Then mix with the soaked millet and ground them all together till smooth. On the side boil some water.
3. Mix the blended or grounded millet properly after it is smooth, then divide the paste into two parts. Set one part aside.
4. Pour the boiling water into the remaining paste and stir until it’s thick, leave it uncovered and allow it to cool. The other part set aside will be fermented and should be left over night.
5. Pour the fermented part into the other paste and stir, after sometime it’s going to be a bit watery, which is ok. Add some water if you want a lighter consistency then stir.
6.Sieve the mix then add sugar to your taste. Keep in a cool place
Kunu is best served when chilled.