Improve Your Health with Cocoa


The consumption of raw cocoa at least once a week improves one’s well-being, whereas, eating cocoa with a bunch of processed sugar will negate any of the benefits that cocoa offers.

Also, some scientists said that eating cocoa with dairy milk can make the antioxidants in cocoa not as effective as it should be. Just adding a tablespoon of pure cocoa powder to your favorite smoothie or your favorite recipe (oats) is more than enough to improve your health. For a more effective result try recipes that use ingredients in it raw form.

Here are 8 reasons why you should have a moderate intake of cocoa:

Protect Your Heart

Cocoa contains the anti-inflammatory antioxidants flavanols responsible to keep heart and your entire cardiovascular system in check. Flavanols may protect your body against cardiovascular disease, improves your blood circulation and lowers the risk of stroke.

Boost your sex appeal

Cocoa is an aphrodisiac food.  It possesses a mood-enhancing chemical known as phenethylamine, this chemical releases the same endorphins that are released when we fall in love, and so it can help improve your sex life.

Balances hormonal mood swings

Cocoa has been found to balance brain neurotransmitter levels, and this is especially helpful during Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) when serotonin levels tend to drop. Cocoa can calm changes in hormone levels as well and it also restores feelings of well-being.

Enhances the brain

Cocoa has been found to improve your cognitive function and memory and increase blood flow to the brain. Cocoa could possibly prevent age‐related cognitive impairment and forgetfulness.

Studies have said that cocoa could possibly prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological diseases. Just a little bit more cocoa can help keep your brain at its best for longer and keep your memory at its best.

Energy booster

Cocoa contains a healthy amount of caffeine which helps keep your body energized and awake. Not only does it have a good amount of caffeine, but it contains magnesium as well. Two tablespoons of cocoa powder has about 14% of your body’s daily value of Magnesium.

Magnesium has been found to keep your body energized naturally, protect your body against other issues such as high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Enhances the skin

For beautiful flawless skin, you simply need to get your daily serving of cocoa. Cocoa contains polyphenols that can help protect your cells from premature oxidation and keep your skin from looking aged or wrinkled. It can also improve your skin texture and give it a glowing look.

Studies have it that cocoa helped improve skin micro-circulation and skin hydration. Getting a cocoa butter moisturizer would be an added advantage.

Protects Your Teeth

Researchers have found that more cocoa powder in your diet can actually prevent tooth decay. Certain compounds in the cocoa bean husk have antibacterial properties and have been found to fight against plaque. It could even be more effective than fluoride to fight cavities.

Also, the compound, CBH, which is found in cocoa powder, has been found to help harden your enamel. If you want to keep those pearly whites as beautiful as possible, add some more cocoa to your diet.

Aids weight loss

The polyphenols in cocoa have been found to help boost your metabolism and this will encourage you to lose weight faster. Since cocoa helps your digestive health, it also keeps you from gaining weight. The least processed cocoa extracts seemed to have the largest impact on your metabolism.