Just in: O.J Simpson’s lawyer debunks rumors that the former NFL star’s ashes have been turned into jewelry


O.J. Simpson’s ashes have been scattered in a private ceremony, according to his attorney, Malcolm LaVergne. The exact location of the scattering has not been disclosed, but it is reported to have taken place in a quiet, intimate setting with only a few close friends and family members present.

LaVergne stated that Simpson’s wishes were to have his ashes scattered in a way that would avoid drawing attention or creating a public spectacle. The attorney also noted that Simpson’s estate is still dealing with the ongoing legal battle with the Goldman family over the unpaid $114 million judgment.

His longtime lawyer and estate executor, Malcolm LaVergne, approved the process and confirmed that he did not receive any of the jewelry. The total cost for the cremation and death certificates was $4,243.06. LaVergne is still working to liquidate most of Simpson’s assets to tackle his massive debts, which include tens of millions still owed to the Goldman family.

The scattering of Simpson’s ashes brings a sense of closure to his complex and controversial life. While some may see it as an end to a chapter, others may continue to seek justice and resolution in the wake of his passing.

In related news, the Goldman family has filed a motion to obtain Simpson’s ashes, citing their desire to ensure that he is not profiting from his notoriety even in death. However, LaVergne has stated that the ashes have already been scattered, making it impossible for the Goldman family to obtain them.