Nigeria Presidential Election: Peace agreement backed by international organization


As Nigerians set to vote in the presidential election which is taking 25th of February 2023, the United Nations has urged all parties to respect the peace agreement entered into by the political parties.

Nigeria’s political parties and candidates have been advised by the United Nations to uphold their obligations under the peace agreement.

In Abuja on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, all 18 political parties signed a peace treaty for the 2023 general elections.

Stephanie Dujarric, a UN representative, stated in New York to the News Agency of Nigeria that the agreement is backed by the international organization.

Dujarric verified that the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel, UNOWAS, has been involved in political discussions.

She said a top official is in contact with the NPC Chair and “ready to leverage good offices to support quiet diplomacy efforts to urge key actors to respect their commitments”.

The National Peace Committee facilitated the agreement, which requires all parties to acknowledge the election’s results, whatever the outcome may be.

If there are any complaints, they should be addressed through appropriate and lawful channels for resolution.