These are some of the most common myths that are mistakes that one must avoid for healthy living.
1: Skipping Meals After Indulgence Will Compensate Overeating:
If you look around, you will find people skipping a meal or two after a feast or party. If you think that will help you detox, then trust us, you are making a huge mistake. Instead of detoxification, skipping meals leads to lower metabolism that further affects our energy level, digestion process and more. Nmami Agarwal explains, “It is okay if you slip here or there sometimes. Get back on track right from the next meal. Skipping meals is not the answer.”
2: Apple Cider Vinegar/ Green Tea Is Good For Weight Loss:
Today, both apple cider vinegar (ACV) and green tea play a constant role in almost every weight loss diet regime. In fact, fad diet plans, available on the internet, stress on starting the day with ACV and sipping green tea after every meal for better metabolism. We agree, ACV and green tea are loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial properties, but they don’t directly help us shed those extra kilos. Nmami Agarwal states, “There is no food that will make you lose weight or gain weight. It’s the quantity that matters.”
3: Skinny = Healthy:
While we think losing weight helps us stay fit, the reality looks somewhat different. According to the expert, “Body weight is not the best indicator of internal well-being.” Instead, it is our diet that matters the most. A nutrient-rich diet helps us keep healthy from within. “What’s on the inside that counts, not your weight,” she adds.
Now that you have these tips handy, we suggest following them well to keep up a healthy lifestyle. And yes, always consult an expert before making any change in your diet and lifestyle.