Osinachi’s Husband, Peter Nwachukwu secret family exposed.


Trailing the news that rocked the internet few days ago concerning the demise of Osinachi the gospel artist, more incidents have began unfolding, as further investigation into the alleged assault by her husband Mr Peter Nwachukwu, have left more wonds opened.

It was gathered that Peter Nwachukwu had previously been married without the deceased and her family being aware of it.

Evidence surfaced when one of the Sons of the deceased brought out an old photo book which belonged to his Father.

On Narrating how he got wind of the photo album, the young boy said he got to see the photos where it was hidden one day in his Father’s bedroom, of which he always ensured was under lock and key.

Reports stated that the young boy got access to the room when his father forgot to lock up the doors.

The photo book showed a wedding picture of Mr Peter with another woman who clearly wasn’t Mrs Osinachi with a child.

Decrying foul play, the family of the deceased claimed that they had no idea that Mr Peter was ever married before he came for their sister otherwise, they wouldn’t have given her out in marriage to him.