Reciepe on how to make Ugali

East Africa Dish Ugali Tvafrinet

Ugali, the African porridge that originates in Kenya is a porridge that consists majorly of maize flour.

Ugali, also known as Nsima is delightful and also like porridge, but much more densely made from white maize meal or maize flour. The indigenous people of East Africa know it to be a staple diet. it is generally enjoyed with a vegetable and/or meat stew. People at the coast and around Lake Victoria enjoy it with fish. Ugali is also served with nyama choma which is grilled meat and kachumbari, a tomato onion salad. One of the easiest dishes to prepare.

To make the perfect ugali, all you need is patience, so you know when to stop adding flour. Too much will make it crumbly or lumpy. Make sure that you add enough flour so it does not apear watery.


  • 1 cup maize meal / corn meal
  • 2 cups normal water


  • Heat water over medium heat in a deep pan. Make sure you take a pan with a handle.
  • Sprinkle about 1 tbsp of the maize meal while the water comes to a boil.
  • Add the maize meal or cornmeal and keep on stirring with a strong wooden spoon.
  • Keep stirring and pressing the mixture against the sides of the pan to break up the lumps.
  • As the mixture becomes thicker, it becomes more difficult to mix but keep mixing and breaking up the lumps.
  • The mixture with begin to come away from the sides of the pan.
  • Allow it to cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • At this point either transfer the ugali to a platter from the pan. Place the plate over the pan and turn it upside down.
  • Or you can transfer to a small heatproof bowl. Pat it down into shape. Place a plate over the bowl and turn it over.
  • Enjoy piping hot ugali with your favourite stew or curry.

Ugali which is rich in fiber is a good source of carbohydrates, minerals, and Vitamin B. And it is gluten-free and vegan-friendly.  Best eaten with meat, chicken, fish, or vegetables on the side.