Popular comedian Maraji, who gave birth to a wonderful baby boy about a month ago, has taken to instagram to reveal her motherhood experience.
Maraji who is married to a Ghanaian welcomed her new born son on the 21st of April, 2022. The excited mother, took to her instagram handle to celebrate her bundle of joy.
She revealed in a recent post that motherhood was a full time Job as she highlighted what she didn’t know about motherhood prior to becoming one.
Her post prompted reactions from other mothers and fans alike.
Some comments are seen below:
My dear and that’s just for one baby, I have two 6weeks old, that sleep deprivation is top notch 😭
It’s so unbelievable how these little humans bring so much joy into our lives, their little smiles just melts hearts. You’ve got this mama 😍😍–opezzzz
the last line…..Big hugs to you.You will pull through, enjoy the process–mandelaaaa23
Dear Mama, it will continue to get better Mama. You are nurturing your child and doing your absolute best 🧡🧡🧡 🤗–amalbotanicals