Vladimir Putin: Many Russians see no alternative candidate as election looms


Reports have it that Russians, most of them celebrities, are officially supporting Mr Putin’s candidacy in the presidential election in March.

The Kremlin leader is running for a fifth term in office. The audience here is only too pleased.

“[Putin’s] an extraordinary leader, the most courageous and wise person,” gushes filmmaker Andrei Konchalovsky.

“The Russian people have never been so united in their support for their president,” claims singer Nadezhda Babkina. “And anyone who tries to prevent that will fail.”

The idea behind the event (and this high-profile celebrity support) seems to be to show that candidate Putin is in a league of his own: Premier League Putin.

Keep in mind, though: this is a league he created and of which he’s in charge. Russia’s political system is Mr Putin’s political system; his rules of the game; his election. Mr Putin’s most vocal critics have long been relegated. They’re either in exile or in prison.

Which makes elections here rather predictable.