Nosa Afolabi, popularly known as Lasisi Elenu, a well known skit maker and comedian in the comedy industry, recently lost his mum to the cold hands of death.
She was said to have given up the ghost, after a prolonged illness.
Lasisi Elenu described her as his biggest supporter, as she always laughed at his jokes and supported him even when she was battling with the sickness, which eventually took her life.
In an emotional message by the star, Lasisi recounted how his mum fought till the very end.
He also stated on his instagram page that his mum was a funny and a jovial woman whose life on earth, was filled with wonderful memories, which prompted him to tell her story through his skits and jokes.
Fans and industry colleagues rallied round the comedian as they poured in their heartfelt condolences.
Some of the comments are as seen below:
“My heart goes out to you my dear brother”- theonlychigul
“So sorry for your loss. God rest her soul Amen”–iambisola
“Hugs to you dear @lasisielenu so sorry for your loss. God will continue to strengthen you and your family in Jesus name Amen” ❤️❤️🤗🤗 – nikkilaoye
May her soul rest in perfect peace.